Looks like even Gods up there wanted Steve Jobs to bring innovation in heaven.Feel Like Gods Must be Crazy Today.He taught us "To live the day as if there is no tomorrow ".
RIP Steve ... Remember the connecting of 3 dots story .
RIP Steve ... Remember the connecting of 3 dots story .
"A lot of times, people don't know what they want until you show it to them" -This defines Steve Jobs for
me ,a person whom many will never forget .
When the whole world from the US President to the common man across the globe is remembering Steve Jobs,we forget that Steve Jobs is way beyond Apple IPADS and I PHONES.He was a revolutionary of our times who gave youngsters like me and millions to live the day as if there is no tomorrow and by the heart .
Great people always leave a mark and so did this person.I am ISad today.
Gone are the days where we dare to think beyond our imagination,and are afraid of failures.Thanks to this man.Who on earth could ever image a founder asked to leave from his own company and still good enough to come back to tell the world who is the BIG Boss.Steve Jobs taught us not to give up in life.
Today I feel like i want to be the IGOD so that i can bring the Jobs back who showed us a way to make people know what they want.
As a mark of respect lets never forget this person ,his life ,his contribution and more importantly "To live the day as if there is no tomorrow "and Dare to think beyond our imaginations.
Life without Jobs will never be same again.Miss him for his inspirational stuff.I Mourn
Life without Jobs will never be same again.Miss him for his inspirational stuff.I Mourn
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