Saturday, 11 February 2012

"How to Think " ..Through Mahatma Gandhi and John F Kennedy

As i am sipping my filter coffee my mom gave on a Sunday morning ,i get these thoughts of what made those famous decisions get through and withstand the test of times .Thank God ,No case studies to work on today so time to write this blog  !.Decisions Like Gandhi saying 'no' to British violence in India,President Lincoln deciding a civil war was less bad than slavery,President Gorbatchov deciding glasnost was a good thing for the USSR and others.

I am taking 2 paths in this blog.One Gandhi's way of understanding things and  Keneddy's Decisions to be precise.

These were famous decisions coming from great people .Looks simple but the point i am going to make here is the process of thinking that these people cultivated in them over the years from my perspective.Being a great admirer of Gandhi and  Kennedy i would look at the topic through their examples .

 "Glory lies in the attempt to reach ones goal and not in reaching it " ...
                         How to think ?Remembering this will help us reach our goals .Its the attitude to think that is important.

Gandhi's these words "Man can never be a woman's equal in the spirit of selfless service with which nature has endowed her" clearly suggest that its our observations and trying to imbibe and inculcate in ourselves good things observed in others that would help us streamline the process of thinking .

Having Tolerance:

Tolerance means being willing to listen to others; it does not mean you have to agree with them or, after hearing their viewpoint, even take them seriously.The thought process of this willingness to listen will help us
grow in all aspects.Patience is different from Tolerance .Its a perspective definition which needs an deeper debate ,Probably some other time !

Now lets look at from Kennedy's Perspective :
     "A man may die,Nations may rise and fall,but ideas live on" .This is the positive approach which people admire him still for.

When Kennedy told this :
Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future...

Can anyone who follows this feel something missed out in life.Great Inspiration comes from Great People .

How can i forget this :

"Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction "

People say think smart ,there can be no better way than to think this way .

Finally i would like to lead my life this way
                                              "As an idealist without illusions "

                                                                       Life AS It is Continues...

                                  Always Yours ...

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