A pleasant evening ,as i walk past my old school on a weekend,less traffic -an adorable weather ,I remember those good old days .Those days of fun and frolic ....,those fights ,those Physical Training Classes ,the 1 hour prayer in our school every day.It used to go on something like this "ಐಡು ಬೆರಳು ಕೂಡಿ ಒಂದು ಮುಷ್ಟಿಯು " and many more and finally Vande Mataram and Sare Jaha Se...We used to enjoy those days.And who can forget that "Cream Bun " we used to eat in the nearby bakery near our school in the evenings.It used to be 1 rupee at that time !
Things change ,life changes ,we change.But memories remain constant .I cannot change them ,might sound a bit abstract ,but i am not talking about inception here.So what i learnt from these dreams ...
"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.
Sometime i get a feeling that dreams are an unattainable reality ,because they do not have a vision and most importantly deadlines !
I love dreams though ,because i can do what ever i want,i can change things .I am the GOD here.
I have the power.I can make every one around me happy.There are no constraints .Then again as i walk past the old school i remember the old friends ,those school days and suddenly i see my favourite English Teacher coming in front of me and its been ages i have not talked to him .I hear a voice from background ,its already 7 30 not going for office today?,My mom is calling ,i wake up and the monotony of life continues.
This is not the first time this has happened.Once i was talking to Lady Diana in my dream and it was interrupted the same way. !
I am not sure my dream never gets completed even in my dream.Till then waiting for that moment ...
By the way completed reading the Biopic of Steve Jobs,great book .Must read and a good insight to fulfil your dreams .!
And let me end it with a great saying from great man :
" We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give "
Life As It Is
Continues ...
Always Yours,
Interesting ! - Satya